The Taking of Anna – Part 4 of ? – Threat/Rebuttal DCF in the Spotlight

by Lonnie Brennan

Last month we received a legally threatening letter from Attorney John Smoot of Quincy, Mass. after we published the second of a three-part story on “The Taking of Anna.” This incredible story – which you can view on www.bostonbroadside.com – shows the horrific power of the Massachusetts Department of Children & Families (DCF) and like institutions in abducting the two teenage daughters of Dr. Hil Rizvi and forcing them into Swiss foster care and a Swiss psychiatric ward. The girls’ mother is from Switzerland, but the two girls themselves are U.S.-born citizens.

Attorney Smoot demanded that if I print his letter, that it be printed verbatim. We don’t change wording on letters (unless there’s an egregious error), so big whoop. However, we held off printing his letter until now, as we could not establish that he represented the mother. I confirmed this from the mother via a telephone call to her on April 20th, so we are now publishing the Smoot letter in full, along with a response from the father. After viewing both letters, I think you will find the situation with DCF even more chilling.


Attorney John Smoot is a former probate judge who worked for years on DCF [Department of Children & Families] Massachusetts cases so is very biased.

In my view, he is one the Commonwealth’s faces of the Swiss abduction mafia.

Smoot is trying to shut up the Boston Broadside for courageously reporting how DCF Massachusetts, KESB [Swiss child protective services] and the Cambridge Eating Disorders Center (CEDC) worked together to isolate and harm my two teenage daughters who are both US born citizens.

My daughter Miriam was thrown into a Swiss psychiatric ward and indoctrinated and is now stuck in German-speaking foster care. Her younger sister, Anna, is on the same torturous track, being mentally manipulated and harmed in the Swiss psychiatric facility, Clienia-Littenheid. Anna’s abduction to Switzerland occurred right after I spoke up against her needless commitment to CEDC and how they were drugging her with
10 mg of the dangerous antipsychotic, Zyprexa.

Why is not what Smoot and others have done to my children not a newsworthy crime? It is not legal to force two US minors to accept Swiss residency and subsequently be enslaved in the jurisdiction of another country; especially when being thrown into psychiatric wards and foster care against their father’s will.

My younger daughter, Anna, has been committed to an abusive Swiss psychiatric ward for about a half year and counting, and is denied communication with her father.

Attorney John Smoot, how can you possibly sleep at night when furthering this crime against my innocent children?


Dr. Hil Rizvi

Concord, NH




2 Replies to “The Taking of Anna – Part 4 of ? – Threat/Rebuttal DCF in the Spotlight

  1. Has Teresa Rizvi been informed that the modern antipsychotic drug Zyprexa is one of a group of drugs that has been shown to shorten the lives of both elderly and mental patients? In fact, in 2005 the FDA began requiring black box warnings on the modern antipsychotics after looking at 17 placebo-controlled studies that showed that elderly who were being put on these sorts of drugs had the remaining time they had to live nearly cut in half.

    Has Ms. Rizvi been informed that Zyprexa and other antipsychotics cause loss of brain tissue? Google the interview with respected researcher Nancy Andreasen in the New York Times.

    Has Ms. Rizvi been told that these drugs tend to cause serious weight gain and diabetes? Has she been told that these drugs can cause tardive dyskinesia, meaning involuntary muscle movement in the face and limbs, sometimes permanently? Has she been told that these drugs can impede bone development and growth?

    I doubt Ms. Rizvi has been informed about any of these effects of Zyprexa and antipsychotic drugs.

    It’s possible her daughter’s doctor doesn’t know some of these effects since the drug reps that visit him with gifts and inducements very likely play down and minimize these drug effects if they are even mentioned at all.

  2. Here in Switzerland we have a lot of corrubtion- Kesb doesent care the child, there are just interesred into money!

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