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31 Year Old Denied Heart: #1: Rally outside Brigham and Women’s Hospital Saturday 1/22 12pm
January 22, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST
This Weekend’s Action Alerts Sat. 1/22 and Sun. 1/23
Hosted by our fellow medical freedom groups!
#1: Rally outside Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Saturday 1/22 12pm
Massachusetts resident David Ferguson, 31, is being denied a heart transplant if he does not receive the Covid-19 injection. Join together in front of Brigham and Women’s Hospital to rally for David.
#2: MARCH with WeThePeopleOfMA
Sunday 1/23 11am
March from Morningstar Baptist Church (1257 Blue Hill Ave, Mattapan) to Harambee Park – NOVAXMANDATES and NOVAXPASSPORTS
email for more info WeThePeopleOfMA@protonmail.com
#3: Join Boston First Responders United
Sunday 1/23 to Oppose Boston’s Vaccine Mandate
“Boston First Responders United seeks to re-instill into American society the core tenets of Freedom established by the Founding Fathers and to reaffirm our God given rights to make decisions for ourselves and for our families particularly as it relates to medical treatment, without duress from any political or governmental entity.
BFRU stands in solidarity with all emergency personnel, teachers, nurses, all labor union workers and every other type of worker in Massachusetts who are being subjected to unethical and illegal terminations. We stand with all those who demand medical freedom while maintaining their employment. BFRU rejects the notion that ones ability to live free and prosper in the U.S. is conditional on subjecting ones body to unwanted medical treatment or vaccine injections through government strong arming and overreach.”
Visit BostonFirstRespondersUnited.com
Send a message to Boston Mayor Wu and Boston Politicians to oppose vaccine passports – FREETHEHUB.COM
Help BFRU Fight These Mandates – DONATE HERE