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November 11, 2021 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST

NOVEMBER 10, 2021
BOSTON, MA – Massachusetts medical freedom advocates including members of the Boston First Responders United (BFRU.us), Make Americans Free Again (MAFA) Massachusetts (MassachusettsStandsUp.org), Health Rights MA (HealthRightsMA.org), American Frontline Doctors (AFLDS.org) among many others will be marching for FREEDOM on Veterans Day, Thursday 11/11/2021 from the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown to another iconic historical location in the downtown Boston area.
#MarchForFreedom is part of the November 8-11, 2021 Nationwide Walkout against employers mandating the jab https://www.raindroptext.com/freedom. Medical freedom is the central civil rights and human rights issue. Many similar events are happening around the country during the national four-day walkout, see https://NationwideWalkout.com for more information.
WHEN: Veterans Day, NOVEMBER 11, 2021 @ 10.30AM. March starts @ 11.11am
WHERE: March starts at Bunker Hill Monument (Monument Sq, Charlestown, MA 02129)
FLYER: https://nationwidewalkout.com/event/rally-march-for-freedom
In the words of the late Tony The Kid (Tony Barrasso), 103y.o. WWll US army veteran, Battle of the Bulge: “FREEDOM IS EVERYTHING”.
We salute our Nation’s military members who have lived the truth that freedom isn’t free. Medical freedom, freedom of religion and freedom of speech are among the core tenets sown into the fabric of our Nation and are not negotiable. Our Veterans fought to ensure these liberties remain intact and it’s now time for every one of us as individuals to stand up for freedom because we are not going to comply our way out of tyranny.
“When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” – Thomas Jefferson
The only thing America should mandate is FREEDOM.
This is a child and family-friendly event so please bring signs, flags, balloons, etc and don’t forget to thank a Veteran this Thursday, 11/11.
Event updates and photos will be shared via MAFA Massachusetts Telegram channel at https://t.me/massstandsup and BFRU.us/ BostonFirstRespondersUnited.com
#nationwidewalkout #axethevax #marchforfreedom #freemassachusetts #bostonfirstrespondersunited #BFRU #makeamericansfreeagain #StandUp4HumanRights #medicalfreedom #aflds #wewillnotcomply
For more information or questions please email bostonfirstrespondersunited@gmail.com.