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Patriots Day Freedom Rally – Monday April 19, 2021 – LEXINGTON, MASS.
April 19, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT
We Are Doing It Again! This time, where it all began, in historic Lexington on Patriot’s Day!
Freedom Lovers welcome with family and friends to celebrate at another Freedom Rally featuring: dynamic speakers, singers, live music, liberty lyrics sing-a-longs and family activities all happening at Hastings Park, 19 Lincoln Street, Lexington, MA.
Hastings Park on Patriots Day, Monday, April 19th from 12-4pm. It is located at the intersection of Lincoln St./Worthen Rd. and Mass Ave
Join The Conversation, see Photos / Videos, Updates & Events @ #WeThePeopleWeToo FB page @ https://www.facebook.com/WeThePeopleWeToo
Undeterred by BLM/Antifa Disruptors
Mothers Stand Up for Freedom Against Agitators – Again!
LEXINGTON, MA – Despite a flurry of threats, attacks, hate speech and vulgar disruptors at a recent rally, Mothers are fearlessly going forward with a Patriots Day Freedom Rally on Monday, 4/19/21, in historic Lexington, MA, where the Revolution began on the same date, 246 years ago.
“It was clearly harassment. It was intimidation,” says WRKO’s Jeffrey Kuhner during his interview with Samantha Muise who came under fire for organizing a Family Freedom Festival last month. “They are domestic terrorists and thugs trying to silence you,” he said on The Kuhner Report. “Do not let them stop you!” (Video 14:00 https://youtu.be/JogYeZWdYQ4)
The gathering of several hundred was held in Bridgewater, MA on the first day of Spring, March 20th as part of the #WorldwideFreedomRally.
As a result of intercepted communication, reinforcements were brought in from area Police Departments in anticipation of infiltration by Antifa/BLM protestors. Among the disruptors was a gun toting Antifa member who wore a communist flag over his shoulders, and was one of two agitators arrested after an altercation at the end of the day (Video 6:41 https://youtu.be/JogYeZWdYQ4 ).
“We just want families to experience being free again and that’s what we’re doing,” says Muise, mother of four, and owner of The Drop Spot child care center in Bridgewater, MA. “I do not impose restrictions at my business, and I will not do so at our events. We are a free country. People have the right to choose how to handle the challenges we have been faced with for more than a year now.”
“My voice may not matter to everyone, but it does to my children and their future,” says co-organizer, Courtney Andrade, who homeschools her children in Berklee and chairs the Bristol County Constitution Party of MA. “They deserve to be free and learn how to stand up for that freedom.”
At the 3/20 Freedom Rally, while children blew bubbles, played with hula hoops, and Play-Doh, Mothers faced off with aggressive Antifa/BLM disruptors who trampled through the children’s play area, yelling and swearing through bullhorns. (Video 14:00 https://youtu.be/JogYeZWdYQ4)
At the center of the day’s opposition was Jill Sheridan, a Bridgewater resident who is also a mother of four, and a middle school teacher in Mansfield, MA. Sheridan changed her FB name to “Jay Marie” shortly after the rally when unfavorable social media posts began circulating.
Sheridan has since become known as the ‘Antifa Teacher’ after a video went viral of her screaming at the police, Muise and her 12 yr. old son. The shot “seen” ‘round the world, was captured by Ingrid Centurion, LTC US Army (Ret) and former State Rep candidate (MA, District 13 Middlesex). (Video 3:10 https://youtu.be/JogYeZWdYQ4).
https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1375691195150647296?s=21 https://twitter.com/davidjharrisjr/status/1375808193729810436?s=21
https://youtu.be/4Oi8_0rIROI 22:00 TB does play by play on the “Antifa Teacher.”
“I came to Legion Field with my fellow combat Veterans, and as I faced the crowd from the Bridgewater Veteran’s Council Memorial Gazebo, I was met with rudeness, sirens and discordant noise,” said Centurion, a Black Hawk pilot, who also serves as the MA State VFW Women’s Liaison. “I watched as this teacher continuously blasted music, screamed, mocked or challenged others. The self-proclaimed “disruptor,” refused to lower the heavy metal noise she was blaring after I informed her she was preventing me from hearing the speeches.”
“She also refused to answer when repeatedly asked why she was there. This ‘educator’ and her gang of agitators need to be schooled that what they did violated the rights of all those who came to speak and listen. Both speaking and being heard are protected under the 1st Amendment” said Centurion. “This disrespectful behavior is not tolerated in any other social setting. It certainly has no place at a Patriotic rally.”
“Why are we fighting each other?” asks Rayla Campbell, a mother of three who has been the target of multiple attacks, including physical assaults. “The hypocrisy of these antifa moms and groups goes against the very people and principles for which they claim to stand.” Campbell, announced her candidacy for LT Governor of Massachusetts at the 3/20 rally, and will once again be speaking on Patriots Day. “Why is it we cannot express ourselves without being subjected to attacks? We will not be intimidated or bullied. We will continue to stand strong for FREEDOM!”
“This total disregard for children at a family event is unacceptable,” says Jeffrey Sasso-Paquette, a day care owner and MA Congressional candidate District 2, who demanded that Antifa back away from the children (See video 14:00, also with his German Shepard 6:10 https://youtu.be/JogYeZWdYQ). “There is no justification for their actions, especially not their false claim that there were hate groups present. I heard only inspiring speeches, music and singing. No hate, except from the troublemakers.”
One of the points of contention made by the “counter protestors,” was that Super Happy Fun America is a hate group, members of which were among the dozens of speakers. Recent WaPo article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/capitol-riot-group/2021/04/07/5a77bf7e-8cc6-11eb-a730-1b4ed9656258_story.html
Antagonists like Rita Fiorillo, who came from Plymouth with her son to protest, claims that “SHFA are a legit hate group—the ones that ran the Straight Pride Parade.” Fiorillo who posted a video of herself at the rally declaring that “Straight people don’t need a parade. They are not oppressed.”
“This doesn’t even make sense. Traditional American values are being threatened and should be celebrated,” says Sasso-Paquette, a married conservative proud of his own traditional nuclear family. He and his husband were among the first gay couples in the Commonwealth to adopt nearly twenty years ago. “We are free to be proud of what we want and no one should try and dictate what that is!”
“If we need to put any color in front of someone’s life that matters, you are the racist” said Sasso-Paquette as he addressed the crowd (Video 9:45 https://youtu.be/JogYeZWdYQ4 ).
Angel Moms, Kathy Hall of Colorado, and Agnes Gibboney of California, are coming to the East Coast to support the courageous moms organizing the rally. “We want to stand with other Mothers and share our stories,” says Hall whose daughter was run over and killed by an undocumented individual. Gibboney tragically lost her son to a gang member who was deported but is now free to return to the US, due to lack of security at the border
Among the many other Patriots Day speakers is Historian/Researcher/Lecturer Richard Howell, who will be in historic costume as he brings to life the battle that gave birth to our country, celebrated as “the shot heard round the world.” Howell is customarily joined by other re-enactors who, due to COVID restrictions have been virtual the last two years.
“How ironic that these great Patriots will yet again be unable to honor our country, as is their annual tradition,” says Muise. “All the more reason for us to be there on this important day in history, exercising our freedom. Think about it—the so called “counter protestors” were actually protesting freedom!? This time, we are making it clear, that for them there is ‘nothing to see here’,” jokes Muise. “This is not a protest. It is a rally FOR freedom. All freedom lovers are welcome!”