The January 2021 edition of the Boston Broadside is in the mail and headed to stores. The cover features President Donald J. Trump – America’s Man of the Year, Promises Made, Promises Kept.
We proudly present our 82nd monthly edition of the Boston Broadside. NEW ENGLAND POLITICS and beyond, without the liberal spin.

Included in the January 1, 2021 Edition:
- STAR PARKER: President Trump: Promises Made, Promises Kept
- MICHELLE MALKIN: The Abominable ‘America Last’ Porkulus
- WARREN P. RUSSO: America on the Brink
- TED TRIPP: Liberals in Denial – What Voter Fraud?
- BLOSSOM STIEFEL: The Future of America
- DI LOTHROP: 2020 Election Integrity Busted, and How Republicans Will Fight It!
- LONNIE BRENNAN: Judge Allows Release of Report Showing 68.5% Vote ‘Error Rate’ (on Dominion Machine in Michigan)
- ANN COULTER: Voter Fraud Never Happens! (Except In These 10,000 Cases)
- PATRICK J. BUCHANAN: Are ‘Never Trumpers’ the Future of the GOP? (no)
- JONATHAN S. TOBIN: Red-State Israelis Don’t Want Liberal Sympathy or Solutions
- ATTY. ROBERT SNIDER: Progressive Distractions on Their Ultimate Quest for Centralized Power
- SAL GIARRRATANI: Adam Lange: The New Face of the Bay State GOP?
- BETH GUIDRY HOFFMAN: But Will the Vaccine Be Safe?
- PAUL YOUNG: Firearms 101: Questions Answered
- JACKSON RICHMAN: Stanch Gun Advocate (Newly-Elected Colorado Rep.) Lauren Boebert Ready to Defend Israel in Congress
- JOE BURKURAS: The God-Sized Hole Within Us
and many, many more…… including: - TED TRIPP: When America Was Great: USAF General Charles ‘Chuck’ Yeager
- JAMES F. GETTENS, ESQ: Response to Dear ‘White Educator’ Letter Issued by the Racist Massachusetts Teachers Association
- JIM DALY: Focus on the Family
and more…