
Are you a Trump guy, or are you not a Trump guy? That was the question posed to Doughty. His answer…

Special Commentary on Election Eve

by Lonnie Brennan

The answer to the question was quite telling.

The question from a spectator at the Labor Day Parade today in Marlboro to Gov. Candidate Doughty: “Are you a Trump Guy, or are you NOT a Trump guy?”

Answer from Doughty: “I’m a Republican.”

A masterful dodge of the question, but the answer does tell a lot about Doughty: He doesn’t support Trump (Trump called Doughty another “RINO” in a call-in rally live with Geoff Diehl hours later), but Doughty still doesn’t want to alienate Trump supporters.

Is Doughty just another rich guy who entered the race to help the Democrats win, by killing a conservative candidate? And if he is so good, why did he have to run such a nasty campaign of slides and blinds and dodges and weaves and stretching of the truth, the whole truth, and presenting nothing close to the truth regarding his opponent? If Diehl is so weak, why did Doughty have to use a $1million hammer to clobber him?

Ask yourself: Would you ever vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald J. Trump? Again, Doughty did.

And now he’s running as a Republican to lead the Republican Party in Massachusetts as Governor.

President Donald J. Trump called Doughty a RINO.

Who you gonna believe? Doughty or Trump? I’m with President Trump.

3 Replies to “Are you a Trump guy, or are you not a Trump guy? That was the question posed to Doughty. His answer…

  1. Donald Trump called on Republican voters to back Geoff Diehl,
    his choice for governor in Massachusetts, in Tuesday’s GOP primary,
    while promising the former state representative
    will “rule with an iron fist.”

    iron fist”?

    I don’t know a lot of people who want a dictator on Beacon Hill

    this is not good for the Mass GOP

  2. not sure why my comment wasn’t posted – it was from this article on Newsweek
    try again:

    ”Donald Trump called on Republican voters to back Geoff Diehl, his choice for governor in Massachusetts, in Tuesday’s GOP primary, while promising the former state representative will “rule with an iron fist.”

    Trump also called Diehl, who is up against more moderate Republican Chris Doughty in Tuesday’s GOP gubernatorial primary, as the “only conservative” running for Massachusetts governor.

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