
Thankfully, Frost has an opponent next year, so, he’s finally acting like a Republican

House Session Summary – Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023

Third Time Is Not A Charm For Leadership’s Supp Push

For the third straight day, House Democrats were unable to get a quorum of representatives to the chamber to try to advance a $3.1 billion supplemental budget bill.  House Democrats on Thursday shelved a Republican request to hold a formal session to consider the bill. But Democrats, who have the votes to pass the bill, have also opted against attending informal sessions to try to offset the procedural maneuver that Republicans have successfully deployed to block attempts to advance the bill without debate or a recorded vote. The GOP objects to the bill’s lack of measures to address the inflow of migrants, who have filled the state’s emergency shelters. The House will meet again Monday at 10 a.m. – Michael P. Norton

CONVENES: The House convened at 11:02 a.m., Rep. Garballey presiding.

PLEDGE: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and the House entered a recess that continued past 11:15 a.m.

At 11:18 a.m., Rep. Paul Frost, who doubted a quorum in each of the last two sessions, was standing at the front of the third division.

ORDERS OF THE DAY: At 11:20 a.m. Rep. Garballey asked if there was any objection to considering items in the orders of the day.

QUORUM DOUBTED: Rep. Frost was then recognized and doubted the presence of a quorum.

QUORUM NOT PRESENT: Rep. Garballey said the chair can ascertain that a quorum is not present.

ADJOURNS: Rep. Garballey said that under Rule 82, the House stands adjourned to meet next at 10 a.m. Monday in an informal session.

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