View this email in your browser Patriots, back by popular demand … we will be supporting President Donald J Trump this Saturday at the Bourne Bridge Rotary. You know the drill. Last night’s X22 Report provides an video update on election fraud and explains the changes POTUS is making over at the pentagon. Check it out below or at Thanks for all you do! Keep those cards and emails coming!! Adam Please park in dirt area adjacent to rotary to respect Dunkin business hours. Another great X22 Report posted last night explaining election fraud updates at Poodle Power! The MAGA Truck is back! See you Saturday at the bridge. Our mailing address is:United Cape Patriots58 Cathedral RoadBrewster, MA 02631 Add us to your address book |

Hello I know the Demoncrats are very busy trying to hang on by their fingernails ,but if we the people don’t do something fast ,they the Demoncrats just might descale enough lectorates against P/Trump. That would not be good. We the real people know Trump is Real and we need another 8 years of Trumpism in order to fix the world.