by Catholic Action League
In his State of the Union address last night, Joseph Biden promised, if re-elected, to use federal legislation to restore Roe v. Wade—the U.S. Supreme Court decision which resulted in the killing of 65 million innocent children—as the law of the land.
Biden is an aggressive and strident advocate of legal abortion, who abandoned, years ago, his previous opposition to the public funding of abortion, and now calls for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment.
The Biden Administration has restored funding—eliminated by President Trump—to the pro-abortion World Health Organization and to the United Nations Fund for Population Activities.
Biden has repudiated the Mexico City policy, which had prohibited American foreign aid dollars from being used to promote abortion abroad.
The Biden Administration has been praised by Planned Parenthood for massive increases in federal subsidies to the country’s largest perpetrator of child murder.
His administration opposes conscience protections for pro-life physicians and nurses, has tried to turn hospital emergency rooms into abortuaries, and has used the Pentagon budget to pay for abortions.
Joseph Biden, the second baptized Catholic to occupy the White House, is, by any measurable standard, the most pro-abortion President in the modern history of the United States, not excluding Barack Obama.
Biden, without apparent shame, attends Mass and receives, sacrilegiously, the Holy Eucharist, visits Catholic shrines, and is routinely described as a devout Catholic, who carries with him a Rosary which once belonged to his late son.
The ultimate cause of this abomination, which combines unprecedented bloodshed and callous treachery with grave scandal and preening hypocrisy, can be found in the cowardice, malfeasance and dereliction of an American Catholic hierarchy, which in 51 years of legalized abortion, has failed to excommunicate a single one of the moral monsters, who like Biden, have facilitated the mass murder of the unborn.
In more than a half century, only two politicians that we know of—Congresswoman and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and former Congressman Patrick Kennedy—have been told by their bishops not to receive Holy Communion.
In 1962, a Louisiana judge, Leander Perez, was excommunicated for opposing the integration of Catholic schools. Like other modern excommunicates—Napoleon, Juan Peron, and the post 1921 Irish Republican Army—Perez never participated in genocide.
In his prophetic encyclical Casti Connubii, Pope Pius XI, referring to abortion, wrote “Let them remember that God is the Judge and Avenger of innocent blood, which crieth from earth to heaven.”
Do the bishops believe in God? If they do, why do they not fear for the fate of their own immortal souls?