Dr. Grace Putting Liberals in Their Place.
July 1, 2020 Online Interview on The Kuhner Report – Jeff Kuhner, Boston’s Bulldozer – WRKO AM680.
Dr. Grace Putting Liberals in Their Place.
July 1, 2020 Online Interview on The Kuhner Report – Jeff Kuhner, Boston’s Bulldozer – WRKO AM680.
AUGUST 25, 2021 – DR. GRACE, putting liberals in their place. Formerly nationally-syndicated radio host, active commentator, former professor at multiple universities… ON-AIR DISCUSSION on the JEFF KUHNER radio show, Read More…
MARCH 17, 2021 – DR. GRACE, putting liberals in their place.Formerly nationally-syndicated radio host, active commentator.ON-AIR INTERVIEW on the JEFF KUHNER radio show, 680 AM WRKO BOSTON, Feb 3, 2021 Read More…
DR. GRACE, putting liberals in their place.ON-AIR INTERVIEW with JEFF KUHNER, WRKO, NOV. 11, 2020 “Let’s just stay to what we know, now. What has actually been credibly called…… at Read More…
Similar of the book fahrenheit 451 and George Orwell’s books. I always thought “privilege” in America in the past 45 years is being able to check the right box at hiring or college entrance time and getting preference over higher scoring candidates based on race. If Ms. Hillary won in 2016 then the protests of today wouldn’t be happening. It’s orchestrated because the self proclaimed elitists want to see disruption so that befuddled and sleazy Biden can win. Good Americans support equality and fairness.