Massachusetts public health officials announced recently that flu shots will be required for all children who attend child care and pre-school, students in K to 12th grade, as well as college and university students.
Those children six months and up will have until December 31st to be vaccinated unless a medical or religious exemption is provided. Homeschoolers and college students who learn exclusively off campus are also exempt. Public school students who are learning remotely, however, are not exempt.
According to Department of Public Health (DPH) officials, the flu shot was recommended previously but not required. “The new vaccine requirement is an important step to reduce flu-related illness and the overall impact of respiratory illness during the COVID-19 pandemic,” their news release stated.
However, a study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases, a leading journal with broad international readership, claims children who received influenza vaccines had a much higher risk of respiratory infections. The study finds that flu shots inactivate parts of the human immune system “rendering the child more vulnerable to coronavirus infections.” Authors of the study explain that “the influenza vaccine works to prevent influenza virus infections, but at the same time it makes children more susceptible to other respiratory infections.” (1)
Is it possible that Governor Baker and DPH have failed to apply proper risk assessment in requiring the flu vaccine for students, implying it would provide greater protection during the COVID-19 pandemic? Adding to this, the flu vaccine is notorious for injury. “Quarterly reports issued by the Department of Justice showing cases in which the government has paid out damages for vaccine injuries and deaths clearly shows that the majority of cases are awarded to flu vaccine victims.” (2)
Parents who have not opposed vaccines previously are taking serious issue with this extreme mandate, joining in protests calling on state health officials as well as Governor Baker to rescind this requirement.
Although children are not immune and can still get infected, it appears that children’s immune systems show a stronger response to the coronavirus. (3) Failing to address proper risk assessment in mandating this vaccine, however, could result in much more serious secondary repercussions on the health and safety of our children.