by Sal Giarratani
One August day this past summer, I was part of a political standout for Massachusetts U.S. congressional candidate Rayla Campbell over in Day Square, East Boston. Her opponent at the time was Ayanna Pressley, one of the AOC Squad.
I knew some of the folks there who were locals but others were unknown to me. It was at this time that I met up with Adam Lange from Brewster down the Cape. He had travelled up to help Raya Campbell and he didn’t come alone. We had quite the gathering between those who came from near and far.
Lange showed up in his pick-up truck with very large Back the Blue and Trump 2020 flags flying from two tall poles on the rear of his truck bed. Who could miss them waving and as the flags waved so did those in the standout and so also did many motorists passing by.

Since then Adam and I have become fast friends and allies. He is a motivator with seemingly endless energy and enthusiasm. Over the months leading up to November 3 and beyond, we have been working together with our skills. Several times of late, I have seen a few of his letters printed in the Boston Herald too. However, his forte is definitely organizing and does it constantly and very so very well.
Lange’s political skills seem to be what MassGOP has been missing. This guy sets goals and meets them come hell or high water. Right now he is the founder of something called United Cape Patriots and this group has been holding rallies down the Cape all summer long and they are still holding “Stop the Steal” standouts down at the Bourne Bridge weekly.

Hey, the beginnings of our American democracy was planted on Cape Cod where the Pilgrims established a tradition of freedom, liberty and self-rule with the Mayflower Compact. Four hundred years later, here’s Adam Lange trying to channel the same desire for liberty and freedom and what better place to start down not far from where everything began in 1620.
Lange and those with him keep on keeping on. He knows there’s a time for more than writing letters to the editor, and to quote Elvis, time for, “…a little less conversation, a little more action…”

This new generation of conservative activism is not the so-called silent majority because they know things haven’t been that great lately when it comes to silent majority-ing. I am reminded of something Rev. Billy Graham said years ago, “Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are stiffened.”
As an aside, Adam Lange announced his candidacy in early December for GOP state committeeman for the Cape & Islands and has a goal to build a stronger GOP structure down there and is a grassroots kind of Republican and conservative.
As Lange says, “We must and can grow if we roll up our sleeves and work this imperative together and with a sense of urgency.
This past summer, I changed my party status for the primary election – left the Democrats to be enrolled as unenrolled. If Adam Lange keeps talking like this I could find myself registering as a Republican.
Could Adam Lange be the new GOP face? You tell me. ♦
EDITOR’S NOTE: Adam Lange is in the race to fill an open seat on the MassGOP State Committee – the governing board of the MassGOP.