How to Spot a RINO (Republican In Name Only)

How to Spot a RINO (Republican In Name Only)


To the Editor:

I’ve been involved in politics for nearly 20 years. One thing I’ve learned is how to spot RINOs. So I want to share my insight with others. A RINO typically comes on the scene out of nowhere. I’ve never seen them at a grass roots standout. Yet, suddenly, they’re running for an office. I’ve learned to be suspicious and not simply accept a Republican at face value.

There’s an old saying, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” There’s such wisdom in this. Should’ve been one of the Bible’s proverbs. I’ve learned to live by this. The Bible does talk about having discernment. Discernment will guard your heart and mind from deception.

So, after observing many RINOs and their responses and behaviors, I’ve learned how to vet a potential candidate and what questions to ask that would reveal who they really are. So the first question I ask is: “Are you pro-life?” A social or cultural conservative will always answer that question with a resounding “YES!”

RINOs act irritated and downright hostile toward that question. In fact, they will not usually answer with a “yes” or “no.” They will definitely not be comfortable putting their answer in writing. Yet this question is my first litmus test. Other questions follow that expose whether a so-called Republican is genuine. A RINO is most likely to be under the iron thumb of political correctness. So they contort and twist their answers into intellectual pretzels to convince you to get on board with their campaign.

One such manipulative tactic is to say: “I’m a fiscal conservative.” In their presentation of themselves, they’ll use soft and whitewashed terms such as “I’m a business owner.” Or “I’m the parent of a soldier” or “law enforcement.” All good things, and in and of themselves are not necessarily an indicator that one is a RINO, yet when coupled with other indicators, it may be telling you something.

The latest politically correct expectation is to not be an outspoken Trump supporter, thus ask the question: “Are you an ULTRA MAGA Trump-supporting conservative. The average RINO will not admit it publicly. RINOs cower in fear of the mob tactics of personal destruction and the threats from the cultural Marxist left, so they will tend to walk the razor-thin line that political correctness has paved for them.

Listen to their speech. Does it sound like the bold and courageous language of President Donald Trump or does it sound like the milk toast pablum of a John McCain or Mitt Romney? RINOs (Democrats) have been sneaking into the Republican Party under the radar for decades. Bill Weld comes to mind. Charlie Baker takes the cake. I would call Baker the RINO king.

Recently, I’ve seen candidates, even in the Boston Broadside, who give me red flags. Whenever I ask the hard questions, even in the privacy of Facebook Messenger, they will not answer my questions. They want to talk by phone because they’re afraid of the mob. My thought is that if they won’t answer my questions, I can only assume they are not like-minded.

When I hear words like “unity” or complaints about a “divided Republican Party” that needs mending, I take pause and wonder if this person is not a like-minded conservative. I don’t want to have unity with those who deceive me and stab me in the back. I want Democrats out of my party.

So I hope this helps someone learn how to develop discernment and properly vet candidates. It’s one thing to be fooled once, but don’t be fooled again. Spot the RINO.

Mark Swan

Chairman of the Wareham
Republican Town Committee



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