A few of the articles and features include:
Mass. Teachers Pushing for another tax increase: $1.5 billion
Newton Teachers/Students/Politicians/Parents Rally Around Schools, Support Anti-
Semitic Teaching in the Schools – while denying it exists – and Rain Hell Down on parents, taxpayers, groups and individuals who have continued to expose biased, anti-Semitic teachings in the schools!
Gun Owners’ Action League Shoots Back at Lying Democrat House Speaker Bob ‘Gravy King’ DeLeo
Radio Quotes from 10 local and national talk shows
The MassGOP Continues to Destroy the Republican Party in Massachusetts – by Mary Lou Daxland, President of the Massachusetts Republican Assembly – the Nationally-Charted “Republican Wing of the Republican Party”
An Open Letter to the Massachusetts Republican State Committee and All Republicans – by Steve Alyward – Steve puts it all out there “After four straight election cycles without even the slightest gain in legislative seats, the time has come to finally face the bitter truth…”
Americans for Peace and Tolerance Condemns Kabuki Theater Performance by Newton School Committee
New Federal Report on Homelessness in the US: Mass is #1
Christmas Morning With Our Homeless Veterans – by Tom Mountain
U.S. Rep. Katherine Clarke (D-MA) Town Hall Event: Supporting Illegals, Gun Control, and Inflaming a Gender War
9-11 Final Book Project Report – Gordon Brown of American Legion Post 440 reports on his fundraising efforts – selling books on 9/11 over the years.
and much more, including columns by:
Dr. Grace Vuoto
Michelle Malkin
Greg Hession, J.D.
Rabbi Yosef Polter
Patrick Buchanan
Jeffery T. Kuhner
ANn COulter
Sal Giarratani
Paul Young
Di Lothrop
Warren P. Russo – USN Retired
A good edition.
From watching the news and reading the Herald and Globe one would think that the Baker era is one of perfection.
Massachusetts leads the nation in the fastest rise in homeless people.
Massachusetts has the most corrupt and scandal ridden state police agency in the U.S..
Mass rates near bottom in road/bridge quality despite having an excise tax.
Mass has one of the lowest rated children’s services departments in the U.S.
Mass spends huge amounts for welfare benefits to “undocumented” aliens.
Our Attorney General spends little time in defending consumers and patients in favor of frivolous out of state law suits.
A leftist congresswoman was elected here in the Boston area as a result of a demographically gerrymandered re-districting that has Everett and Chelsea in the same district as Mattapan and Milton.
Many young people leave our state as a result of hyper inflated rents and home prices.
Baker’s Bay State is far from paradise.
The local Boston news media is so deceptive. With the victory of Trahan and Pressley the media stated that it was a “first” for women in Mass. Nearly 100 years ago, Edith Nourse Rogers served as a Bay State Congresswoman from 1925-1960. Louise Day Hicks served as a Congresswomen in parts of Boston in the 1960’s into 1970’s. Margaret Heckler served as a Congresswomen in the suburbs in the 1970’s into the early 1980’s. The new female congresswomen here in Mass are far from pioneers.