Warning to Seniors: Rich or Poor, You’re Worth a LOT to Lawyers, Courts, and Service Agencies!

by Lonnie Brennan

It started out simply: a retired Boxford lawyer, Marvin Siegel, got along in years, and as he approached his 83rd year amongst his fellow men, he began to slip a bit, needing some help around the house. His family pitched in, and at one point, a service that provided checkups on the elderly would visit with Mr. Siegel and see to his needs.

As time went on, his needs increased and a family member related that it made sense for his youngest daughter, a lawyer like her dad, to move into the family home with her father. (The eldest daughter lives thousands of miles away, and the middle daughter has some “issues” according to her younger sibling.)

Things appeared fine at first, having one daughter, her husband and two of his grandchildren fill the voids in his previously silent home. Dinners together, helping out with laundry care, just watching TV together and bringing joy to Mr. Siegel…Then one day, the grandkids returned home with their mom, and found their grandfather being taken away in an ambulance.

According to statements from the daughter and court documents (and we’re in the process of obtaining more documents, and scrutinizing hundreds of pages of filings and transcripts and listening to the court recordings), the visiting helper felt that Mr. Siegel was in an ill condition, tired and apparently forgetful. She called for an ambulance and he was transported to Beverly Hospital. From there, he was transported to another facility for evaluation, and that’s where the drugging began.

According to his youngest daughter, Mr. Siegel is medicated against his wishes, isolated from her, has had his cell phone taken away from him by his court-appointed guardian, and has 24/7 “guards” (medical providers) with him at his home in Boxford. She notes that within months of the ambulance ride, and the subsequent involvement of court-appointed personnel, she and her family were kicked out of her dad’s home, and she’s been prohibited from visiting with or having any communication with him.

That was five years ago.

Oh, and his bank accounts have dwindled over the past five years, with his net worth apparently oozed away, going from approximately $9 million to less than $4 million, and shrinking.


Ah, the money. Follow the money.

And where has that money gone?

As an example, various court documents reveal that one local lawyer, Marsha Kazarosian of Haverhill, billed the retired lawyer’s holdings in excess of $200,000 in just one 12-month period. Apparently, other lawyers and groups associated with the Mr. Siegel similarly drew sums of money from the multi-millionaire, against his expressed wishes.

 Kazarosian billed more than $200K in one 12-month period

Ironically, one of the daughters had initially hired Atty. Kazarosian to help ensure her father’s original estate planning would remain intact. The daughter relates and presented to court an argument that despite a filing by Atty. Kazarosian detailing under oath that the multi-millionaire was fully competent of handling his own personal affairs, something changed. Within a short period of time, Atty. Kazarosian switched teams, signed on to work for a court-appointed guardian for Mr. Siegel, and began working against Mr. Siegel’s daughters.

But wait, it gets better.

Mr. Siegel attempted to fire Kazarosian for going against his wishes, but she refused to be fired. Instead, she took his signed, hand-written dismissal letter and consulted with the court-assigned guardian, Attorney Brian Cuffe. Together, the two – in spite of the letter – agreed that he would keep her on the dole, his team, protecting Mr. Siegel’s estate from his daughters and grandchildren. 



Yes, you read that right. To date, two of the three daughters have been accused by the various court-appointed parties and those who have drained money from their father’s estate of taking advantage of their father, specifically blaming the daughters for the loss of funds. What? Why? Because, if the daughters would simply shut up and go along and get along, and not object to the guardian’s and the lawyer’s handling of their father’s funds, then no one would have to go to court to fight the daughters. That way the lawyers would not have to bill such large sums, draining his accounts so quickly. What?

At one point, one of the daughters submitted that she was offered a $100K settlement if she would just simply walk away from her father and his millions. She termed it a bribe, and refused.

Out-gunned, Out-maneuvered

Two of the daughters filed multiple “complaints for emergency and preliminary injunctive relief” against various parties whom they have accused of having a part in the taking of funds from their father. The accused parties have included, but are not limited to the following:





















DIANE POWELL, SCOTT DAILEY, MICHAEL SPRINGMAN, with Elder Services of Merrimack Valley, Inc., and individually,



MARY ANN REMILLARD, ESQ., in her official capacity as a State actor and individually, NORTHEAST HOSPITAL CORPORATION, d/b/a BEVERLY HOSPITAL,


RICHARD GARMIL, ESQ., in his official capacity with Whittier Pavilion and individually,










BRENDA WOJICK, R.N., in her official capacity with Right At Home and individually,




But the family notes that they are out-gunned, out-financed, and at every turn out-maneuvered. The lawyers they have gone up against, and the corporations, and those (Cuffe and others) who can use their own money as well as their multi-millionaire’s father’s money against them have had a clear advantage. And the courts have not been kind to the daughters.

Indeed, in one rebuke, the daughters were apparently slammed by the courts for excessive filings. “We’ve been hit with judgments because we’re fighting these people and have submitted too much paperwork, can you imagine?” daughter Lisa Siegel Belanger related. “I submit the documentation because I don’t want this to be about our opinion, or who is credible or not credible. I submitted the documents so that anyone who cares can read them and rule on the facts. The facts are there. The documents show what they have done, how they are drugging, isolating, and draining my father’s funds.”

To summarize the case, which has been in and out of probate court, and pending now in new filings, the family wrote the following:

“With well-established circumstances, Attorney Siegel memorialized his own unequivocal intentions and desires in a panoply of executed estate planning, he explicitly designated his youngest daughter, Attorney Lisa Siegel Belanger, as his attorney-in-fact and his eldest daughter, Devora Kaiser, as successor attorney-in-fact. The two outmost important things Attorney Siegel cared about was: 1) his reputation and dignity and 2) his three (3) daughters.

Through a convoluted vortex of circumstances, on August 4, 2011, multi-millionaire Attorney Siegel was thrusted under a court appointed guardianship and conservatorship, unlawfully ending up with judicially deemed ward of the Commonwealth on August 17, 2011.”

With their father’s wishes being ignored, and getting no relief from probate court, the daughters had attempted an appeal to federal court. One portion of the transcript notes a daughter stating: “This initially starts off before that where my father, Attorney Siegel, had his established durable power of attorney and array of estate planning instruments for a long and continuous [time]…we’re here because of the fraudulent ouster and dismantling of that durable power of attorney.”

In English, that means that the daughter is accusing and presenting evidence that those in power – from the doctors to the hospitals to the lawyers entrusted with handling her father’s estate, dismantled years of estate planning instruments, stripped away all powers from the multi-millionaire, began a process of administering various drugs, have aided in isolating him from his family, and have been a party to draining his estate.

On page 31 of 97 of just one filing, the family states that a lawyer, cognizant that Mr. Siegel was being “involuntarily drugged with antipsychotics,” did “surreptitiously, through fraud and deception…” secure a signature from Mr. Siegel which set off a chain reaction, undoing years of his estate planning, while Mr. Siegel was in a psychiatric facility for two days of evaluation. The results of the evaluation showed no psychiatric issues and Mr. Siegel was subsequently released to his home.

EDITOR’S NOTE: While our team continues to acquire, inspect, assess, and evaluate the copious documents related to this case, we have been given two warnings which we have been instructed to relate to our readers:

1.  All parties on both sides are presumed innocent until proven otherwise, through all appeals processes.

2. Seniors who don’t have millions of dollars are similarly at risk. Why? Because they may be worth tens or hundreds of thousands of federal or state dollars in Medicaid or other government programs, and that any assets they may have may similarly be subject to plunder by those who are unscrupulous.

We’ll relate more on this case, and others, in future issues of the Boston Broadside.      ¨


20 Replies to “ISOLATE, MEDICATE, LIQUIDATE: How to Fleece a Senior

  1. This article chronicles Mr. Siegel’s best effort to protect himself in his old age by executing a Durable Power of Attorney and not only carefully choosing his Agent, but strengthening his DPoA by listing chosen successor agents in case his Agent of first choice was unable to serve for whatever reason.

    He did not choose a guardian. In fact his actions show a determination to avoid a guardianship. He did everything right and yet sadly, it appears Mr. Siegel’s wishes (made clear via his DPoA ) were discarded as if his advance directives were litter instead of a legal document and testament of his exact wishes.

    Join the national movement for reform of unlawful and abusive guardianships and conservatorships. Join NASGA!

    1. Guardianship Abuse is the new Epidemic Crime of the 21st Century, induced by the Civil Protective Proceedings and Probate Courts. Every victim has been illegally appointed by a Conservator by a corrupt colluded Judge. The Conservator/Trustee greases the palms of the several other court appointed “care givers, court visitors, and anyone else they will deem necessary. Like hiring one of their family members to be the pet pooper scooper, to generate fees for their business. Some of these attys have abuse in their own background, yet appointed to abuse your parent financially. None of these people appointed by been vetted or are certified. This is a global crisis and worthy of a Trump style protest. New Mexico is #1 in the US for Elder abuse and Exploitation. This problem has no boundaries and no Oversight by any of the governnmental agency’s. Protect your parents, do not let them go to financial seminars, Financial advisors, ATTORNEYS alone. This is a crisis worthy of demanding your legislatures attention . It is one of the 3 topics being addressed in the 115th Legislative Session. Speak out now before your family is te next victim.

  2. Lonnie Brennan, left you a telephone message. Great article. This is a “must read” for every person who is or knows a senior citizen or a disabled person under age 65 – in other words, everyone. As Medicaid/MassHealth Specialists/Expert, we have heard of and witnessed several of these money-making schemes the attorneys and agencies are involved in. We know first hand and have seen the corruption in the system. We have witnessed the deception by several of the attorneys and agency listed in this article. There are many excellent, honest attorneys and yet, there are too many attorneys and agencies who look at the elderly and the disabled as nothing more than a “cash cow” for their personal gain. Thank you so much for exposing the scheme.

  3. This ma’s daughters sound just awful. No wonder their father hates them and clearly it’s in his best interest to be kept away from them. Those nasty, horrible girls are just trouble makers, wasting their father’s money by filing complaints.

    Oh, wait, that’s me according to my mother’s court appointed guardian, attorney laurie raphaelson of Worcester MA.

    1. This scenario is a playbook happening in all 50 states. Wish this kind of exploitation were rare, but it is not. How judges, attorneys, and guardians who participate in these groups, wiping out elder estates for their own benefit- can sleep at night treating human beings like cattle is beyond me. –

  4. Went through a almost identical situation!
    Step mom and her son and daughter used a living will done in 2008-started it in 2007. Dr untruthful for familie’s sake wrote dad up with dementia, sent me – only living biological daughter a letter excusing himself from dads care. Dad was removed from his home in Michigan due to steps ov medicating him.
    Had been tricked by steps and removed under false pretenses Alabama other home. To assist wife with hip replacement. Then they were to go back to Alabama. Dad wanted copy of living will and medical directive squashed. Laura Sutton Johnson mailed copy to my house for dad to go to another lawyer to get it destroyed.
    Sadly dad was put under poa of evil step brother & in nursing home 3 months.
    I hired a lawyer who kept postponing the probate case I filed-for visits and phone calls to dad. Got to see him on June 24 2017.camcording me & dad.. next day taken out of Home lockdown facility. Dad was being abused by his family and taken to hospital where they told drs he’d been sick for 3yrs . All untrue.. very healthy-only being over medicated by staff& steps.
    Begged me not to let them kill him.. They were spending his $$$.
    Dad only wanted to live. Food and water all taken away.and dad was put on hospice. Another lie to private meet. Dad lasted 13 days put in medicated coma.won rite to see him through probate court.
    July 12 2017 step mom said wasn’t going to get my wish. Saw daddy on12th . Got call 13th July he passed.. No service. Obituary, cremated and even a Korean vet. Step mom said she couldn’t afford it???
    Dads worth told over 2 million $$$. Me and only living biological brother were to get 1$ . Dad had property’s and dedication his life to his country. Blessed with good health!
    Have lost faith in the judicial system. Macomb county. All I received was bills totaling thousands of $$. From a lawyer who did nothing.
    Yet kept all my paperwork.isnt there any honest Attorneys that care about the elderly and the abuse. The medical records would show told they only did as his immediate family ordered.

  5. Your Dad had his human rights violated: He had his right taken away to be a person before the law. No one asked him what he wanted and/or followed his direction. They took his money but didn’t act in his interest so he was robbed. He was denied medical help. The doctors “helping” him only helped themselves, others and the facility they are employed by. He was administered drugs against his will to shut him up and likely in an attempt on his life.
    He was tortured because the was probably of sound mind through all this and had to witness what is happening to his family and what he worked for.
    He was abducted by ambulance (kidnapped) and held captive against his will.
    This happens to tens of thousands of seniors and other handicapped/disabled folks nationwide every year, under the protection of corrupt regulatory agencies. Please visit for what they do in California. Please read in detail. Law enforcement and even the FBI are corrupt and don’t investigate. This is not a broken system. It is deliberately installed and maintained by those it benefits. It is treason by Government. It is a huge, nationwide racketeering scheme. It is a hundred billion dollar market to them.

    It is sad that this country abuses their citizens just as bad or even worse than e.g. North Korea. We are probably the biggest human rights abuser on earth.
    There is no help within the US. We need help from outside, a World body, the United Nations.
    Can we organize somehow and send a direct help request (or a flood of them) to the United Nations Human Rights Council at
    This may get international attention and shame the US into fixing the problem.
    You are an attorney! Can you help get something going, please?
    You are already doing an awesome job having this on the net!

  6. This scenario is a playbook happening in all 50 states. Wish this kind of exploitation were rare, but it is not. How judges, attorneys, and guardians who participate in these groups, wiping out elder estates for their own benefit- can sleep at night treating human beings like cattle is beyond me. –

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