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Convicted J6er Gets an Interview Request From The Boston Globe. Here’s Her Response.

Special to the Boston Broadside by Suzanne Ianni

Suzanne Ianni at the recent Rolling Rally in NH for Trump. (Courtesy photo).

Arrested for being in our Nation’s Capitol on January 6th, 2021, Ianni was told to take a plea deal to avoid a prison sentence. She reluctantly took the deal and was sent to prison anyway. Still, her support for Trump remains steadfast. She shook hands with him at last year’s rally in Manchester, NH on 4/27/23, and she attended the recent NH Rolling Rally Trump Train on 6/1/24. The video and all reports indicate that the participation and enthusiasm were as usual, off the charts.

I WAS CONTACTED BY THE BOSTON GLOBE TO APPEAR AS A GUEST on their new TV show. The Fake News contacts all the J6ers…

“We would like to hear your perspective on the events of January 6th and how you look at politics now. The interviewer is James Pindell and he wants to listen, not judge… The interview is taped, not live.”

WOW! How could I say “no?”

Easy. It’s a setup. And, the Boston Globe is probably THE most vicious spinmaster in New England. They know that the brainwashed public’s appetite for ever more salacious coverage of Jan 6 and the “terrorists” is still high.  So, very unethically, the piece would be heavily edited and 100% dishonest.

Here is my response. It explains the personal harm their fake news has caused me, my family, and others…

Dear Ms Shiffman,

With all due respect, off the record, your paper has never been fair to me. The Boston Globe, among other fake news outlets, has caused me and my family undue risk of physical violence, calls for my execution and invasion of my family’s home (Do you have a family?), harassing phone calls and letters, and media harassment. All this, because of lies about me, lies about my political beliefs (“alleging” I’m racist, anti-semitic, anti-gay), and my participation in your apocryphal version of events in DC that day.

The Boston Globe has never cared about the truth. No “journalist” there ever bothered to explore if the government script you’ve all been following is a load of crap. Unequivocally – Jan 6 was a setup by Pelosi and other Trump-haters, both sides of the aisle, working with the feds and DC Mayor Bowser. It was our Reichstag fire. It fulfilled their intention- It took attention away from the fact that the election was stolen. If it wasn’t stolen, they would not have so ferociously gone after us and destroyed the lives of good people who questioned an election.

Donald Trump never went after anyone like that!! We are living under a dictatorship NOW.


Sue Ianni was visibly moved when President Trump acknowledged the J6er in the crowd at last year’s Trump rally in Manchester, NH 4/27/23. (Boston Broadside photo montage).

J6ers in jail pre-trial for 3 1/2 years, and you people say NOTHING. Conditions are worse than Abu-Ghraib! Prisoners beaten, denied medical treatment. Crickets! YOUR EDITORS KNOW I’M RIGHT, and that’s EXACTLY why I know they will NEVER GIVE ME A REAL VOICE.

Do you personally believe that a million+ life-long, super-boring, law-abiding Conservatives who love Jesus, baseball, apple pie, and America, too, traded all that in to “worship” SOME MAN – other than Christ? – Seriously? Like a switch went off in our brains, and we turned from mom’s and dads and neighbors into Trump’s zombie army?? – attacking the very country we hold dear – to “Destroy Democracy?” LOL.

You people really need to listen to yourselves! THINK! Occum’s razor. It was the 3rd time we were in DC. PEACEFUL!! We were issued permits to be on Capitol grounds by Chief Sund of the Capitol Police. Why did they fire over some ruckus at the very front (set up by feds) into a 100% peaceful crowd, who didn’t even know it was happening? Way to piss people off, wouldn’t ya say?

We were there on Jan 6 TO APPEAL TO CONGRESS FOR AN INVESTIGATION!! Kind of like you tin hat-wearing Dems did (and got) after 2000 and 2016.

I’m not falling for it.

Even if I did agree, the pre-recorded format is definitely not acceptable. Your editors will chop up my statements to a minimum and spin everything to make me your chump. Ain’t happening!

Have a nice day!
Sue Ianni

Ms Shiffman’s response:

I appreciate the response.

Best, Karen

Why protest? See this short video, A Cautionary Tale presented by PragerU.

Boston Attorney William Gens has seen an alarming rise in political persecution in the media and the courts over the last four years. Here is his response:

In 2018, protestors at the Brett Kavanaugh judicial confirmation hearings busted through police barricades to gain entrance to the Capitol, storming the building. As they swarmed through they took over Senator Chuck Grassley’s office, cornered and harangued senators in elevators, and caused a stream of disruptions to proceedings. Sound familiar?

It received fawning, sympathetic press coverage and those Capitol Building protesters, who did far worse than almost all J6’ers, got at most $50 fines.

Will the Boston Globe be interviewing any of them?

"In 2018, protestors at the Brett Kavanaugh judicial confirmation hearings busted through police barricades to gain entrance to the Capitol, storming the building. As they swarmed through they took over Senator Chuck Grassley’s office, cornered and harangued senators in elevators, and caused a stream of disruptions to proceedings. Sound familiar? It received fawning, sympathetic press coverage and those Capitol Building protesters, who did far worse than almost all J6’ers, got at most $50 fines. Will the Boston Globe be interviewing any of them?" Response from Boston Attorney William Gens who has seen an alarming rise in the double standard of political prosecution. (Screenshot of Internet image search, uncredited).

(Screenshot of internet search uncredited image).

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