The Boston Broadside’s Director of Media Operations, Jeff Hoffman, recently visited the Village Gun Store Inc. at 4 King’s Square in Whitefield, NH. Photo above shows Joshua D’Agnese holding up the March edition of the Boston Broadside next to a great bumper sticker:
We’re told from a comment below that this great bumper sticker originated at Goodhue Marine & Firearms in Moultonboro NH! Big thanks to everyone for sharing! We hope we’ll get some photos from Goodhue Marine & Firearms in Moultonboro NH too!!

The Welcome to NH bumper sticker Is not from the Village Gun Store but rather Goodhue Marine & Firearms in Moultonboro NH. You should give them the credit.
You just did! Thank you! We’ll edit the posting too…
Goodhue do great tee shirts with the same message. I always get people say what a great shirt when I wear mine
Do they sell the T-shirts online or do you have to go into the store?