Some of the stories in the 32-page packed SEPT. 2020 Edition now on select new stands or in the mail to our subscribers:
A Tale of Two Americas – (Republican vs. Dem. Vision) – by Grace Vuoto
Flu Vaccine Requirements Stir Controversy – by Beth Guidry Hoffman
American Policing: Reform or Revolution – by Dennis Galvin
Amerika in the Making – by Warren P. Russo
Radical Democrats Unopposed Would Destroy America for All – by Atty. Robert Snider
GUN TALK: The True Cost of Your First Handgun– by Paul Young
GUN TALK: Massachusetts Second Amendment Tyranny – by John P. Costa and Frances L. Costa, Owners/Manager/Members The Gunnrunner LLC, Middleborough, Mass. THE ONLY GUNSTORE THAT NEVER CLOSED in the “non-essential” shutdown”

Ask Erin – Q: What’s a Conservative Student to Do in a Toxic, Liberal State? by Erin Leone

Remarks by President Trump Announcing the Normalization of Relations Between Israel and the United Arab Emirates
United Cape Patriots Endorses Ron Beaty for Barnstable County Commissioner
McMahon Launches Online Petition Against “Police Reform Bill”
Massachusetts Republican Jewish Committee Recommends President Donald J. Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize
Elizabeth Harris
Matt Kelly
Julie Hall
Robert J. Elliot
John Janigian
Rosemary Russell
IN REMEMBERANCE: JOHN O’MARA, A Tiger in the Conservative Movement (and a great supporter of The Broadside, who helped grow the paper in our early years) – reprint, by Ted Tripp

Sued by Not Silenced – Americans for Peace and Tolerance
Catholics ‘READ ALL ABOUT IT’ Unborn Rights Matter – by Alex Vital
Incremental Islam – Part 5 – by Jane Bate and Bryan Hermansdorfer
75th Anniversary of the End of World War II – Sept 2, 1945 – by Ted Tripp

Squealing for Pork, Part 14 ($542 million so far) – by Ted Tripp

Ed Markey and Joseph P. Kennedy II: A Record of Failure – by Kevin O’Connor
Massachusetts Bail Fund, Inc. – ‘Free Them All’ – by Ted Tripp
Opposing the Culture War Against Our Way of Life – by Adam Lange –
Constitutional Snippets – by Catherine White
Behavioral Masking of School Children – 2020 (Masking of Personalties, Intelligence, and Free Thought) – by Kevin Hall

Columns by syndicated columnists:
Patrick J. Buchanan
Walter E. Williams
Michelle Malkin
Betsy McCaughey
Ann Coulter
Jim Daly – Focus on the Family
AND MANY, MANY MORE ARTICLES, COLUMNS, GUEST COLUMNS, LETTERS, and advertisements from the best businesses that support the only mass-distributed non-liberal newspaper in New England.
AND, your letters to the editor and guest columns!
The historic defeat at the polls of Joey Kennedy is a great thing. I’ll vote for Mr. O’Connor in November. The years of sub-standard and uncaring constituent services by he and his dad was remembered at the polls yesterday. To many people, the Kennedy’s are more known for scandal and arrogance rather than politics these days. A victory for little Joey would have meant decades of having a U.S. Senator acting as a celebrity rather than a public servant. Markey has been in elected politics for a half century. He is out of touch. Notice how the Kennedy and Markey ads never mentioned struggling working class people. They never mentioned working class people who can’t afford housing in the Boston area. I hope that Mr. O”Connor has tv and radio ads . I’m voting for O’Connor. Hopefully he will get many Independent and dis-enchanted moderate Democrats to vote for him.