
Mass. State Senator Rebecca L. Rausch: Let’s Make it Easier for High School Kids to Have Sex with Younger 13-Year-old girls



Rausch: Let’s Make it Legal and Easier for 13-Year-Old Girls to Have Sex with Older Boys

by Lonnie Brennan

Yes, you wouldn’t believe we had hearings at the Mass. State House about sex, but it seems every week there’s something else. This time, the public was invited to a “hyubrid hearing” to give testimony before the Joint Committee on the Judiciary, apparently in Democrat Senator Rebecca L. Raush’s mind to help kids have sex.

“Did you say that a 13-year-old could consent to sexual intercourse” with a 15-year-old?” she was asked by Republican Rep. Alyson Sullivan. Rausch danced a bit saying some yes, some no, the courts could decide (apparently if a boy is charged with rape), but yes. The hearing was chaired by liberal extremist Democrat Senator Jamie Eldridge.

It was clear through her passionate speech to that Rausch, there’s an urgency, an emergency that we need to address and take action/dedicate resources of the taxpayer-funded legislators to help better enable 13-year-old girls to have sex with their older teen partners, or rather, to allow 15-year-old boys to have sex with “consenting” 13-year-old girls.

Yes, you read that right. Apparently, to Democrat liberal extremist senator Rausch, since 13-year-old girls have sex, they should be able to do so without their older teenage partners getting into any legal trouble.

We need to make it easier for them to have sex, without worrying about legal problems down the line, Rausch urged her fellow colleagues at the judiciary hearing of Sept. 12, 2023

Sen. Rausch urging legislators to make it easier for older teens to have sex with 13-year-old teens

A freshman in high school wants to have sex with a 7th grader? Well, that might be considered rape, even if the girl agrees to the sex act. Nope, that’s bad Rausch says. She doesn’t want the boy to have to suffer financial, housing, future opportunities just because he wanted to dip into the pool of little girls. Having sex with “close in age” girls should be made legal-free in Massachusetts if Rausch gets her way.

Rausch gave here three-minute pitch to a panel of of her colleagues in which she urged passage of two bills, one in the senate, one in the house, with her expressed goal to make it easier for little girls to have sex.

You can watch the video of the hearing at: Raush takes the table about a minute into the hearing. Her entire pitch : making encouraging and lifting any problems legal and otherwise of having sex with 13-year-olds.

Of all the topics of the day, we really didn’t think spending time and resources to help encourage young teen sex would top the ticket of the Rausch political agenda. But, it’s Massachusetts, and this is probably to be expected. And, if Rausch is successful in getting 15-year-olds freshman boys to have sex with 13-year-old six or seventh-grade girls, what’s next?


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