by Lonnie Brennan
Yes, they put it in writing: a one million dollar bribe, that’s what 16 donors offered the MassGOP if they would just eject conservative chairman Jim Lyons from his job. They pledged to raise a cool million.
And, while they tout themselves as “16 of the party’s top donors,” nope. That’s a lie. Going through the list (see below) most haven’t given anything to the party since Mass. so-called “Republican” Governor Charlie Baker put out the word to starve the MassGOP of all support and all funding, because an actual conservative Republican with an 8-year record of conservative voting as a state representative, took the chair seat. Five are not Republicans. At least one is a lobbyist who apparently plays both sides, and almost all are big Baker donors, or made donations to Political Action Committees controlled by very close Baker associates (more on that below). And, almost all gave huge donations to Democrats.
Prior to current chairman Jim Lyons, the MassGOP had decades of feckless useless liberals at the helm, who spent big money on the corner office, parties, parking, and travel, and apparently enriching themselves and their friends (we’ll post a related story), but achieving very little – the State House continues to turn blue, blue, blue.
Let’s pause to remember what Charlie Baker stands for, as depicted so well by Scott Lively when he ran against the money-mountain called Baker:

So, a quick look at the list of 16 money men and women shows McQuillan of Boylston Properties. A political figure by his high-profile connections with mega donations to a Baker-related political action committee that supports both liberal Democrats and Republicans.
Then there’s Carey of Carey LLC. Hmm, government lobbying? And now he’s signing a letter to bribe the MassGOP to do what he wants done? Eject a conservative? Is that allowable?
We’ll update this tomorrow…there are so many more anti-Trumpers at the core of Baker support – the very folks who have driven the Republican Party in mass to the brink of extinction in the Senate, and just a feckless footnote in the House.
Here’s the ‘incentive’ (bribery) letter from the CHARLIE (hates Trump) BAKER GANG, who have spent their money almost entirely on supporting Democrats, liberals, and RINOs, with very little money to any conservative Republicans, if at all:

Here’s at taste of some of the signers, and just a few notes about them.
Two trends:
2. Almost all gave big money to Democrats
Jonathan Bush formerly of Athena Health Care
hasn’t given a dime to the party since 2014 according to the Mass. Office of Campaign and Political Finance. He HAS, however given thousand of dollars to Baker, and let’s not forget his $500 donation to liberal Democrat Steven Grossman, and his $10,000 donation to the YES on 4 campaign to bring a pot shop to every town.
Bill Carey – he gave $50 in 2014 to the Plymouth County Republican Club Political Action Committee. Other than that, thousands of dollars to Baker. Not a dime to the MassGOP.
Kimberly L. Dacier – Let’s see, gave money to Democrat Robert DeLeo, Democrat Karen Spilka, Democrat Michael O’Keefe, and yes, six years ago, listed as a “homemaker” she also gave $5,000 to the MassGOP.. Paul Dacier – same address – made similar contributions. He’s listed as an Executive VP for EMC Corporation. Paul has given thousands of dollars to Democrats including Martha Coakley, Therese Murray, Carolyn Dykema, and so many more… here’s a sample of some of Paul’s donations:
2/27/2015 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St | Sherborn | MA | Exec Vp and Gen’lcounsel | EMC | $1,000.00 | Spilka, Karen2015 Mid-Year Report (ND) DEMOCRAT |
1/30/2015 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | $100.00 | O’Keefe, Michael1/30/15 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT | ||
1/14/2015 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St | Sherborn | MA | Executive Vice President | EMC Corporation | $5,000.00 | Republican State Committee1/14/15 Deposit Report |
12/30/2014 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St | Sherborn | MA | Exec Vp and Gen’lCounsel | EMC | $500.00 | Spilka, Karen2014 Year-end Report (ND) DEMOCRAT |
10/14/2014 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St | Sherborn | MA | Executive Vice President | EMC Corporation | $5,000.00 | Republican State Committee10/14/14 Deposit Report |
6/11/2014 | Dacier, Paul T92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | EMC | $250.00 | Fernandes, John V.2014 Pre-primary Report (ND) DEMOCRAT |
2/28/2014 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | General Counsel | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Ryan, Marian Teresa2/28/14 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
1/29/2014 | Dacier , Paul T92 Woodland St | Sherborn | MA | General Counsel | EMC | $500.00 | Healey, Maura T.1/29/14 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
1/27/2014 | Dacier , Paul T92 Woodland St | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Coakley, Martha1/27/14 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
1/26/2014 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | Evp-General Counsel | Emc Corp | $500.00 | Valanzola, Michael J.2014 Pre-primary Report (ND) REPUBLICAN |
12/18/2013 | Dacier, Paul92 Wodland St. | Sherborn | MA | General Counsel | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Healey, Maura T.12/18/13 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
12/13/2013 | Dacier, Paul | Weston | MA | refund of contribution | ($480.23) | Healey, Maura T.12/13/13 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT | |
11/15/2013 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | General Counsel | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Ryan, Marian Teresa11/15/13 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
11/9/2013 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St. | Sherborn | MA | Attorney/General Counsel | EMC | $500.00 | Healey, Maura T.11/9/13 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
5/9/2013 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | Emc Corporation | $200.00 | O’Flaherty, Eugene L.2013 Mid-Year Report (ND) DEMOCRAT |
3/4/2013 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St. | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Coakley, Martha3/4/13 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
10/5/2012 | DACIER, PAUL T92 WOODLAND ST | SHERBORN | MA | ATTORNEY | EMC | $500.00 | Murray, Therese2012 Pre-election Report (ND) DEMOCRAT |
6/5/2012 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St. | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Coakley, Martha6/5/12 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
5/30/2012 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | EMC Corp | $250.00 | Dykema, Carolyn Coyne2012 Pre-primary Report (ND) DEMOCRAT |
5/7/2012 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | Emc Corporation | $200.00 | O’Flaherty, Eugene L.2012 Pre-primary Report (ND) DEMOCRAT |
8/15/2011 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St | Sherborn | MA | Atty | Emc | $250.00 | Spilka, Karen2011 Year-end Report (ND) DEMOCRAT |
6/13/2011 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | Emc Corporation | $200.00 | O’Flaherty, Eugene L.2011 Mid-Year Report (ND) DEMOCRAT |
5/23/2011 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St. | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Coakley, Martha5/23/11 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
4/21/2011 | Dacier, Paul T92 Woodland St | Sherborn | MA | $100.00 | Evangelidis, Lewis G.4/21/11 Deposit Report REPUBLICAN | ||
6/30/2010 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | Executive VP | EMC Corp. | $5,000.00 | Republican State Committee, MA6/30/10 Deposit Report |
5/29/2010 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St | Sherborn | MA | Atty | Emc | $250.00 | Spilka, Karen2010 Pre-primary Report (ND) |
5/28/2010 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St. | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Coakley, Martha5/28/10 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
2/12/2010 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | Executive Vice President & General Counsel | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Tisei, Richard R.2/12/10 Deposit Report Republican |
12/31/2009 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | Executive Vice President & General Counsel | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Tisei, Richard R.12/31/09 Deposit Report Republican |
11/25/2009 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St. | Sherborn | MA | EVP and General Counsel | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Baker, Charles D.11/25/09 Deposit Report RINO |
2/9/2009 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St. | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Coakley, Martha2/9/09 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
3/28/2008 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St. | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Coakley, Martha3/28/08 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
10/26/2007 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland St. | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Coakley, Martha10/26/07 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
5/20/2002 | Dacier, Paul92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | Attorney | EMC Corporation | $500.00 | Romney, Mitt5/20/02 Deposit Report RINO |
3/6/2002 | Dacier, Paul T.92 Woodland Street | Sherborn | MA | Sent Letter 5/22/02 | $500.00 | Finneran, Thomas M.2002 Pre-primary Report (ND) DEMOCRAT |
Christopher Egan – Lots of money to Republican Brad Jones (feckless House Minority Leader), as well as a $25,000 donation to the Mass. Majority Independent Expenditure Political Action Committee (the liberal group that supports liberal Democrats an Republicans, also known as the ‘BAKER PAC’), then there’s money to Democrat candidates: Stefanini of Framingham, Jim Grossman, Joe Earley for District Attorney (a Democrat), Jon Santiago, $1,000 for the Democrat rep to run for Mayor, and so many more donations, and some to Republicans too! A total of $382,275 has been put out by Egan of Carruth Capital LLC. Oh, let’s not forget money for a Barnstable County Commission – Democrat. He made HUGE contributions – $190,000 in 2014 to the Jobs First Independent Expenditure Political Action Committee, then another $58,000 in 2015. STRANGE NOTE: Since its inception, the JFIE-PAC has taken in $613,024, but shows more than that in expenditures, including returning $8,254.26 to Chris Egan. Apparently the bulk of the money spent by the fund went to Arena Communications of Salt Lake City, Utah, for “Mailing and Web Design, and digital consulting.” Arena took in $398,568.
Jim Grossman – Well, have a fun time at this listing of Jim and James. Don’t see anything to MassGOP:
Date ![]() | Contributor | City | State | Occupation | Employer | Amount | Recipient/Source |
4/9/2021 | Grossman, Jim125 Carriae Lamp Way | Ponte Vedra Beavh | FL | Construction | RISE | $1,000.00 | Collins, Nicholas P.4/9/21 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
12/9/2014 | Grossman , Jim 14 Lowell Rd | Brookline | MA | Construction | Suffolk Construction | $500.00 | Walsh, Martin J.12/9/14 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
9/4/2014 | GROSSMAN, JIM14 LOWELL RD | BROOKLINE | MA | CONSTRUCTION | SUFFOLK CONSTRUCTION | $250.00 | Ryan, Daniel Joseph2014 Pre-election Report (ND) DEMOCRAT |
7/29/2020 | Grossman, James125 Carriage Lamp Way | Ponte Vedra Beach | FL | Retired | Retired | $1,000.00 | Ryan, Daniel Joseph7/29/20 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
3/17/2020 | Grossman, James125 Carriage Lamp Way | Ponte Verda | FL | COO | SUFFOLK CONSTRUCTION | $1,000.00 | Consalvo, Rob3/17/20 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
10/10/2019 | Grossman, James125 Carriage Lamp Way | Ponte Verde Beach | FL | Retired | Retired | $1,000.00 | Esdale Farrell, Maria E.10/10/19 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
12/31/2018 | Grossman, James217 South Common Lane | St Augustine | FL | construction | Suffolk Construction | $1,000.00 | Spilka, Karen2018 Year-end Report DEMOCRAT |
6/29/2018 | Grossman, James217 S Common Ln | Saint Augustine | FL | Retired | Retired | $1,000.00 | Henning, Gregory6/29/18 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
10/23/2017 | Grossman, James217 Common Ln. | St. Augustine Fl. | Fl | Retired | Retired | $500.00 | Flynn, Edward Michael10/23/17 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
7/5/2017 | Grossman, James217 S Common Lane | Saint Augustine | FL | Retired | Retired | $1,000.00 | Passacantilli, Stephen M.7/5/17 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
10/17/2016 | Grossman, JamesPO Box 133 | Cataumet | MA | Exeuctive Director | Businesss Enterprise | $1,000.00 | Polito, Karyn E.10/17/16 Deposit Report >REPUBLICAN< |
10/7/2015 | Grossman, JamesPo Box 133 | Cataumet | MA | Executive Director | Business Enterprise | $250.00 | Yancey, Charles10/7/15 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
8/17/2015 | Grossman, James NPo Box 133 | Cataumet | MA | Vice President | Suffolk Construction | $500.00 | Koch, Thomas P.8/17/15 Deposit Report |
2/20/2015 | Grossman, JamesPo Box 133 | Cataumet | MA | $500.00 | Yancey, Charles2/20/15 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT | ||
11/1/2013 | Grossman, JamesPO Box 133 | Barnstable | MA | Manager | Suffolk Construction | $500.00 | Linehan, William ‘Bill’11/1/13 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
9/30/2011 | Grossman, James1227 County Rd | Falmouth | MA | Project Manager | Suffolk Construction | $500.00 | Linehan, William ‘Bill’9/30/11 Deposit Report DEMOCRAT |
David Howe – listed as president/owner J Derenzo Co., follows a similar pattern. Here’s a few:
$1,000 on 6/28/2021 to DEMOCRAT Kim Janey for her run for mayor
$1,000 on 4/23/2021 to DEMOCRAT Michael F. Flaherty – Boston city councilor
$1,000 on 4/9/2021 to DEMOCRAT Nicholas P. Collins – State Rep.
and so the list continues for a total of $53,105 in donations since 2002, including $500 to Mitt Romney, $500 to the current speaker of the house, thousands to former DEMOCRAT Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, and yes, a $5,000 donation in 2010 and again in 2018 to the Republican State Committee. (70-80% to Democrats, the remainder to Republicans, a typical pattern…)
John Kingston -notorious anti-Trumper, helped Hillary by putting big money in a candidate to try to steal a state from Trump
Scott Lemay – we’ll have to look further into him. He’s either a donor to Mitt Romney ($500), and/or the donor to Democrats. But not a penny to the MassGOP. Then again, he could be funneling all his contributions through household members (we’ve seen that before). For example, a certain “homemaker” who has contributed $6,000 to the Charles Baker campaigns….
Gregg Lisciotti – Chairman of what is generally known as the “Baker PAC” which was apparently initially funded using the MassGOP Salesforce software – which is prohibited from coordinating with any candidate committee. However, the PAC paid Mass Political Marketing $120,000 in two payments; the agent and manager of Mass Political Marketing is Baker’s campaign manager Brian Wynne. Hmm. Interesting backdoor donation to Baker land. Then of course, there’s the big money spent through the Baker PAC to Tro Consulting formed on 2/8/2019….The manager of Tro Consulting is Timothly O’Leary, yes, Baker’s deputy finance director. A cool $215,000 directed to Tro Consulting.
Meanwhile, as President of Liscotti Development, Gregg donated $216,164.69 to candidates since 2002, including thousands to Democrat Robert Antonioni, thousands to Charlie Baker, $1,000 to former DEMOCRAT Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, $500 to DEMOCRAT attorney general candidate Warren Tolman, thousands an thousands to Mitt Romney, and yes, some money to Republicans, most notably big money to the Republican State Committee: $5,000 in 2006, $5,065 in 2010, $4,000 in 2012, $5,000 in 2013, $5,000 in 2014, and $5,000 in 2018. He”s also given REPUBLICAN Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito more than $10,000 over the years. And again, generous donations to DEMOCRATS, including Joe Petty (Worcester Mayor), DEMOCRAT Tim ‘crash’ Murray, DEMOCRAT Senator Michael Moore, and others. A real mixed bag this guy. We’ll run the stats. As a real estate developer, he’s been around… Oh, and I forgot to mention, more than $57,000 to the Baker-linked PAC that supports Democrats an Republicans… He also joined Lemay in supporting the “Jobs First Independent Expenditure Political Action Committee’ -tossing $10,000 their way (see above).
William McQuillan – President of Boylston Properties, Incl, donated $1,500 to DEMOCRAT former Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, $4,000 to DEMOCRAT Michelle Wu, $1,000 to DEMOCRAT Joshua Zakim, $1,000 to Democrat Robert Travaglini, $1,000 to DEMOCRAT Paul Toner (city councilor), and so on, and of course, big money to Baker.
Bob Pereira – President, The Middlesex Corporation – Baker, Baker, Baker-linked PAC (see above), DEMOCRAT Marty Walsh, DEMOCRAT Thomas Reilly, etc., etc. Hmm, what former MassGOP executive director/swamp creature works there? Details to follow…
Daniel J. Quirk – Quirk Motors – car dealership – thousands to DEMOCRAT Bruce Ayers, DEMOCRAT Michael Bellotti, DEMOCRAT State Rep Tackey Chan, DEMOCRAT Secretary of State Bill Galvin, and others, and of course, big money to BAKER. He’s given $16,500 to the MassGOP, so, he appears to be balance – supporting Democrats and Republicans – a balance that has led to a complete domination in the state by Democrats over Republicans..
Kevin Rollins – Retired, listed with TPG Capital and Dell Computers, big money to Baker, Baker-linked PAC, and to the Republican State Committee. He’s given the MassGOP $5,000 in 2009, $5,000 in 2010, $5,000 in 2017, and $5,000 in 2018. On first blush, he appears to the most Republican-leaning donor on the list.
Victor Romeiro – President Romeiro Landscaping – Of his slightly more than $10,000 in donations over the years, he directed money to former Democrat Mayors Tom Menino, Marty Walsh, and of course other high-profile Democrats. Also a heavy contributor to Baker. He gave $2,500 to the MassGOP in 2018.
Ray Stata – Chairman of Analog Devices, Inc., he has donated thousands to BAKER (a pattern with all of these folks), and donations to Democrats, including Robert Antonioni, Andrea Campbell, Lelandd Cheung, Tom Finneran, Linda Forry, Deborah Goldberg, Michael Moore, Michael Moran, Eugene O’Flaherty, and so many more. $306,950 in political donations. Huge contributor to Baker and Polito….
Jessica Tocco -apparently another BAKER donor, and yet, another friend of DEMOCRATS? Interesting tweet:

wow. A real eye opener. Just the information I have been looking for.
Tip of the iceberg.
We have so much more coming…
The reason why I’m unenrolled. Haven’t had a Republican party in this state since Leverett Saltonstahl and Ed Brooke. Back in the day when conservative Democrats were allowed to uphold church teaching while in office, nobody lifted a finger. (Would be easily registered Republican in another state.)
Fantastic article and deserves sharing.